This short cautionary tale depicts the dystopian rise and fall of a seemingly invincible futuristic empire, warning us about the dangers of artificial intelligence overreach and the unintended consequences of technology.
My thesis on Life of Pi by Yann Martel explores how Pi’s beliefs in religion and zoo ethics serve as significant foreshadowing elements, setting the stage for his extraordinary journey and survival against the backdrop of a deeply symbolic narrative.
My open letter urged global airlines to adopt sustainable aviation fuel for a healthier and more sustainable future.
This tiny memoir captures one of the happiest memories of my life: bringing my puppy Yoda to her new home.
My essay on Sustainable Aviation Fuel explores how this innovative biofuel can revolutionize the aviation industry's environmental impact by significantly reducing carbon emissions, addressing contrails, and paving the way for a more sustainable future in air travel.
Last summer, I read articles from The New York Times and wrote a series of short responses to them.